According to reports told to Sports Illustrated, Alex Rodriguez was tested positive for steroids in 2003 when he was in a Texas Rangers uniform.
No other reports have been filed regarding other steroid use...yet.
In 2003, Major League Baseball had no penalty for doing steroids.
So whatever your stance on A-rod was, well he was at least a steroid user once. He may still be doing it or he may have thought better of himself and quit. For right now we do not know. Keep in mind however, that for the time being all we know is he did steroids in 2003 for the Texas Rangers. It was just that one year on that one team. So for all of you Yankee haters out there, until they prove A-rod has done steroids in a Yankees uniform, I would keep my mouth shut for the time being.
In 2003, Alex hit .298 with 47 homeruns and 118 RBI's. Since coming to the Yankees in 2004, A-rod hit over 47 homeruns twice in 2005 and then in 2007. A-rod was above 118 RBI's 3 times with the Yankees from 2005 through 2007.
Alex Rodriguez's best years of his career exlcuding playoff time was probably during his years in Texas to date.
Stay tuned....
Mark Elliot Wishnia <---------------------------CLICK!
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