Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cardinals, Commercials, AND Springsteen an Epic Failure

Well the Steelers won the Super Bowl to the surprise of nobody. Arizona did put up a good fight especially in that 4th quarter but in the end they were just a complete failure. I mean all the penalties and such. What a poor job. And then there was of course that second to last play of the game. You know, the one before the kneel down? The fumble by Kurt Warner? Awful job.

Also the commercials. What was up with those. Maybe one or two made you chuckle. But overall what a terrible job. Huge waste of 3 million bucks for many of those companies. A rather large disappointment.

There was of course that little segment that said "Want to watch the commercials again? Go to!" Yeah, no. I do not want to see those commercials again. I appreciate the offer.

And yes, Bruce Springsteen was an EPIC fail! Bruce coming out screaming his lungs out and moving around and by the time he had to sing... oh man. Bruce made Simon Cowell cringe. He had no voice, was pretty much talking and especially during born to run was WAY off tune. I do not care how big of a Springsteen fan you may be. Go back and listen to the performance and pretend you never knew who Springsteen was. You will wish you never hear him again. I mean the music was great and the fireworks and whatnot were great but as far as the actual singing, that was terrible.

Mark Elliot Wishnia <---------------------------CLICK!
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